Thursday, February 24, 2011

School Dance

Colton attended his first school dance last weekend and absolutely loved it! The theme was "New York New York" so Colton dressed in his suit and tie and looked dashing.
Of course Grason had to come along. It took him awhile to feel comfortable enough to get up and dance but when he did get out there, he really cut a rug! Grason was waiting for a Justin Bieber song but we didn't hear one believe it or not.
And I have to admit out of my four boys Colton is the only one with a sense of rhythm. I love that he enjoys to dance and hope that he doesn't grow out of it.
The boys worked up a sweat after dancing the night away!
Dancing buddies - Colton, Connor, James and Tony

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The End of a Season

Basketball has come to an end for Baylee once again. They had a rough season, ending with a 2-7 record. The boys played really well together this year which made for a fun season for Baylee. He has decided to not play next year at the high school level so it was hard for me to watch the last game and know it was the last time I would see him play:(

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

What I Want for Christmas is....

I have taken the boys to see Santa at the Foothills Mall in Fort Collins for awhile and they now swear he is the "real" Santa because it has been the same Santa for the last 5 years!
Grason and Colton were super excited to see Santa and tell him what they wanted for Christmas!
Mom had to do a little extra shopping after what they told Santa what they wanted:)
I cherish these moments with the boys because they still believe and I know that won't last much longer:(

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Puppies

We have 7 Golden Retriever/Border Collie mix puppies that we are selling ($150) if you know anyone that is interested. We have 3 males and 4 females ready for new homes this week (Dec. 15). They are super sweet and I am sure they will make excellent family pets!
The mama is our Golden Retriever and the papa is our neighbors' Border Collie (oops!)
How cute would he be sitting under the tree on Christmas morning:)

Call Audrey @ 568-3210 if interested

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Colton had a another first this year and that was playing team basketball. After playing for two months, he said this is his favorite sport he participated in all year. His team consisted of 1-3 graders from Wellington. Colton's team went undefeated this year mostly I think because coach Tony was extremely knowledgeable in the sport. He made basketball fun and Colton's skills improved immensely throughout the two months playing.

I am glad Colton is trying all these sports and coming into his own.