Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Birthday Month

Darren calls it Birthday Month whenever the boys have a birthday because we usually have many celebrations between family and friends. This year was Taylor's 16th Birthday and we started the celebrations at "Dave and Busters" in Denver with his friend Dan and my family since the live there (no pictures available). I was surprised but relieved when Taylor said he didn't want to do a big Sweet Sixteen party. We then had dinner and dessert at Grandma Hodges.
One of Taylor's gifts
The boys chose a Halibut fish fry for their special dinner. We still have fish in December from the fish we caught in Alaska in August.
Another one of Taylor's gifts. (The shirt not the baby)
Opening of gifts at Grandma's house

Our tradition with birthdays is that the boys get to open their presents throughout the day. Colton's started out the morning opening a gift his brother Baylee picked out for him, a Batman video game.
Colton is really into Star Wars right now

Here are the special cupcakes I made for Colton's "Friend Party". They are cupcakes made to look like little pies.
Cute and simple
Colton and his friends spent the night playing video games, football, basketball, board games and watching movies. Of course, up late and up early as with most birthday sleepovers:)
Colton opening up Joel's present to him

The best of friends: Anthony, Colton, Joel and James playing Hedbanz.

Happy Birthday to Taylor and Colton. Love you both very much!

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