Tuesday, January 5, 2010

To those of you who follow my blog, I am sorry I have been delinquent in my posting but I was pretty sick over the holidays. I ended up with strep throat, two ear infections, and a sinus infection. It started the Tuesday before Christmas and I am still coughing today. I couldn't get in to see my doctor until the Tuesday after Christmas so I was in so much pain that I started to take some Vicodin that I had left over from throwing my back out this fall. When I finally got into my doctor, she says I was justified in taking the Vicodin (jokingly of course) because she was sure that was in terrible pain. I have never been that sick and hope to never be again. The up side was that I lost 6 pounds while I was sick but sadly I have already put it back on (lol). Grason was also sick along with me and had the same infections as I did but as I was laying in bed for three days straight he was able to jump and play around. Either I am a severe baby or he just has a high pain tolerance. Well anyway we are still taking our antibiotics and pray we are never sick around Christmas again because it just didn't feel like Christmas lying in bed for so long. I felt sorry for my boys also because I was sick 75% of their Christmas break and we didn't get to do some of the fun things I try to do over their vacation. Well thank you for all the well wishes I received from family and friends. Happy New Year!!!

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