Saturday, January 16, 2010


Baylee's basketball season has begun at Wellington Middle School. He has NEVER played organized basketball before so we were really anxious to see him play. Especially when everyday after practice he tells us he is the best player on the team.
I had to tell Baylee that there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness and he was wavering towards the cocky side.
I do think he played very well considering it is his first year and he is actually a year younger than the kids he is playing against.
He made the varsity squad because I think he was the only player that really knew the offense.
I am very impressed with how Baylee would take control of the team while on the court also. He would shot out the plays, call out when a shot was made, and try to tell the other boys who they should be guarding. You really don't normally see that from a beginner basketball player so that makes me very proud. I can't wait to see how well he progresses throughout the season. He tells us that he will be a starter by the end of the year. Good Luck Son!!

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