Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Valentine's Party

This blog is very delinquent but my camera has broken again so I am using Marilyn's camera and I kept forgetting to get her docking station to download the pictures onto my computer. Colton really enjoyed his Valentine's Day party at school again this year. He handed out GI Joe valentine's with suckers attached. Funny story: The day he was doing his valentines, I didn't have the suckers yet. So just joking, I told him all I had was left over Christmas candy and he said that would be fine. How did I get so lucky to have such an easy going kid. Santa suckers on a valentine, I 'm sure it has happened before.
Grason was so happy that Colton made him a valentine too. How sweet!
The kids loved the ice cream sundaes at the party. They could put just about any topping imaginable on them. Most of the kids were too busy opening their valentines that the ice cream just melted anyway.
I Love You Colton Phillip!!!

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