Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I had such a wonderful Mother's Day! It started out with breakfast in bed. Baylee and Colton made me scrambled eggs, an Eggo waffle with strawberrries on the side, and of course chai tea. Taylor cleaned up the kitchen after them because he was still sleeping while they were cooking. I stayed in bed and watched a movie, My Sister's Keeper (good movie but so different from the book). Then we went and got lunch from Big City Burrito to take to the City Park. It was like God knew I needed this beautiful day outside to spend with my family after having such sucky weather lately. We walked around the park, played at the playground for awhile and then we were ready for a snack at Diary Queen. We ended the day with having dinner with the whole family. I am truly blessed with my four boys even though they can make my life very hectic sometimes. They treated me with love and compassion today which is what made my Mother's Day wonderful!

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